Avril Aberin, PMT Graduate
I hope this email finds you well. It hasn’t been a week since we finished school and here I am writing to you with good news. I received my offer of employment from Voyant Beauty yesterday for the Jr. Compounder position at their Rexdale plant. I will have my orientation and start training on Oct. 11.
I cannot thank you enough for all the support that you have provided during our time at the college. I walked in to the interview confidently because I knew what to expect, all those things you have mentioned in class came in very handy. When I was asked what my long term plans are and I responded that I would like to be a part of a company where I can grow professionally (stay until retirement, if possible) and would be recognized (not retire in the same position, may be promoted at least?) the HR Manager answered that it was “impressive”. You also took the time to teach me to do my research of the company I am applying for, even educating me as to what it means to be a CDMO. I believe these are some things that helped me land this job, along with the training we did at the lab.
Most companies see that I do not have any manufacturing experience but when I got to explain to the interview panel the kind of training we received at Oxford College and the plant set up plus the equipment we have there, they were surprised. More companies should hear about the lab training and plant set up we have at the College because it blows their minds how much experience we can get while in school.
Thank you once again for the knowledge and wisdom you wholeheartedly shared with us, thank you for training us to be good manufacturing technologists and most of all, thank you for the samosas. I promise to keep in touch and should any opportunities become available at Voyant Beauty I will let you know so your students can apply.
Good health to you always. All the best to you, the PMT Department and Oxford College!