Beginning a job search in any industry during a pandemic is an intimidating prospect. COVID-19 has affected almost every industry in some way, leading to all kinds of new challenges and worries. You might be wondering how COVID has impacted the hiring landscape, what changes have been made to the interview process, or what you can expect as you prepare to launch your career in an uncertain world.
The new virtual aspect that the coronavirus pandemic has introduced to the job search process comes with both advantages and disadvantages. What are they? Here’s a look at how you can navigate the job search after graduation.
Those with Dental Assistant Training Will Need to Network Online
Although networking at traditional events might not be possible, those in a dental assistant program can still network virtually. Networking is still important and is easier than you might think. Modern technology allows for networking with videoconferencing tools such as Zoom. In addition, you can also use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to stay informed about possible opportunities, meet professionals in the dental field, and make connections. Consider joining an online group or organization on LinkedIn, which can help you meet others working in the field. Scheduling and attending virtual events, career fairs, and informational interviews is another great way to increase your network and your chances of making a connection that can result in an interview or job prospect.
Become an Expert at Virtual Interviews
Zoom interviews may seem intimidating or confusing, but if you’re prepared, you can still ace your interview and know what to expect. Firstly, when preparing for a Zoom interview, you should find a space in your home that won’t be disturbed and where you can ensure that you’ll be able to focus. Consider closing any windows so that traffic, construction, or other outside noises don’t disrupt your call. Additionally, make sure to test your equipment and prepare the computer you’ll be using so that when the interview starts, you won’t experience any technical difficulties that you could have accounted for earlier.
Lastly, although the interview environment may be different, you should prepare for it like you would a traditional interview. Dress well and come prepared with questions for your prospective employer. You’ll want to make eye contact with your interviewer too, which means starting into your camera rather than at your interviewer’s face on your monitor. Remember, since the interview is virtual, you can use notes you might have prepared earlier, which you wouldn’t be able to do in a regular interview. Make sure to use these notes to your advantage, and prepare for the interview as much as possible by researching the company extensively and knowing what you bring as a potential employee with dental assistant training.
Understand the Hiring Landscape, and Create Your Goals Accordingly
With the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s not unlikely that your job search, while it will eventually pay off, may also come with a few bumps and difficulties along the way. Contacts within your network might be slower to respond as they also deal with the effects of the pandemic. Interviewers might experience technical difficulties and need to reschedule. Because of this, patience is key. During your job search, it’ll also be important for you to take care of your mental health. Be kind to yourself, always follow up, and remember that you can do it!
Ready to get your dental assistant diploma?
Check out Oxford College’s dental assisting program today.