If you are a massage therapy student, you’ll be pleased to hear how many Canadians are using alternative and complementary services to improve their health. In a survey conducted in 2016, it was discovered that more than half of the Canadians surveyed had used a complementary or alternative medicine therapy in the 12 months prior. In 2016, massage therapy was the most popular form of complementary and alternative treatment for Canadians at 44%.
A massage therapy program will prepare you to dive into an industry where you can help people manage pain, move better, and relax. With wellness practices becoming more and more important and common in the lives of Canadians, you’re on the right track to find employment and success in your career. Self-care, stress management, and preventive practices are becoming a priority for more people and a larger part of the population is investing time and money into things like massage. Read on to learn more about how the demand for massage in Canada is climbing!
Demand for Massage Therapy Is on the Rise!
Canadians see the Value in Massage Therapy
- Canadian spending on massage therapy in 2016 was at $8.8 billion
- 69% of people have their massage costs covered through health plan insurance
Massage therapy was used by 44% of Canadians over their lifetimes. This is more than:
- chiropractic care (42%)
- yoga (27%)
- acupuncture (22%)
- relaxation techniques (25%)
Did you know? Massage therapy can boost immunity by decreasing cortisol levels and reducing inflammation.
How many people work in massage therapy in Ontario?
- About 10, 500 people are working in massage therapy in Ontario
- 54% workers are full-time
- 46% workers are part-time
- 66% are self-employed
- More massage therapists are self-employed compared to other professions
Public Knowledge about Healthcare and Wellness Is Improving
- Online sources help the public to access information
- More and more studies are showing the benefits of massage
- Alternative therapies are becoming more popular and respected
Massage Is a Popular Employee Benefit
- Many people can access either full or partial coverage through work benefits
- Keeping employees healthy and pain-free improves performance
- Massage is an excellent preventative therapy
Massage Can Help with Injuries
- More people know the benefits of massage for injuries and pain
- 1 in 10 Canadians is affected by repetitive strain injuries
- Over 2 million Canadians suffer from repetitive strain injuries
- More than half of repetitive strain injuries are from work-related activities
- Massage can help by increasing blood flow and mobility