Are you having trouble finding a good job in Canada? Finding work can be hard for new immigrants. If you’ve been job hunting for a while, you may be wondering if going to college in Canada could help.
Returning to college has many benefits for immigrants who are new to Canada. Here are the top three benefits of obtaining a post-graduate diploma.
1. Gain a Recognized Canadian Credential
Finding work in Canada can be hard for immigrants. Even if you have a college diploma or university degree, you may struggle to find a job in your field in Canada. That’s because employers may not recognize your education or skill set. Your college may be well-known in your home country, but Canadian employers may have never heard of it. Or, employers may not know how your diploma or degree compares to one received from a Canadian educational institution.
One option is to have your previous academic credentials evaluated. Credential evaluations help employers understand your education and how it compares to Canadian credentials. This may include having your transcripts translated to English or French, too. Credential evaluations don’t assess program quality or course content, so employers may still have reservations about hiring you. If you’ve had your international credentials evaluated, but are still having no luck in your job search, it may be time to get Canadian credentials.
By obtaining a post-graduate diploma from a Canadian college, you’ll get a credential that employers recognize. They’ll be aware of the college and its reputation. They may even have other employees who attended your chosen college. Having credentials that employers recognize makes it easier for you to find work in Canada.
2. Advance in Your Current Field
Post-graduate diploma programs teach students specialized knowledge. In these programs, students build on the knowledge they received in their previous college or university studies. By learning new theoretical and hands-on skills, you can advance in your current field. With a specialized knowledge and a Canadian credential, you could start moving up the career ladder in Canada.
If you’ve previously worked as a nurse or other healthcare professional, you could return to college to become a clinical research professional. Clinical research professionals monitor clinical trials to ensure compliance. They protect and verify the data that’s collected from the studies, and document findings. This is an exciting career advancement for someone with previous healthcare experience.
If you have a science background, you could study to become a pharmaceutical quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) technologist. With a QAQC post-graduate diploma, graduates can sample and test pharmaceutical products to ensure they’re safe.
3. Make a Career Change
Are you considering a career change now that you’re in Canada? Moving to a new country is a great opportunity to make a fresh start. The career you chose in your early twenties may not be a good fit for your current lifestyle. Or, the job outlook for your field could be poor. Perhaps you’re just bored or burned out with your current career. Whatever the reason, you don’t need to stick with the same career for the rest of your life. You can go back to college and try something new.
If you’ve always been interested in a business career, consider getting a post-graduate diploma in business administration. This program prepares you for a career in business in Canada. By learning about Canadian business topics, like business law, accounting, and human resource management, you’ll be better equipped to work in business. You could become a manager at a Canadian business or even go on to start your own successful business.